On April 5, 2016, Rep. Ted James (D–Baton Rouge) introduced HB 1112 — the Louisiana Therapeutic Use of Cannabis Act — which would establish a true comprehensive program for the use of medical marijuana in Louisiana. While Senator Mill’s bill, SB 143, set up a similar system during last year’s legislative session, it was plagued with several flaws that make it unworkable. The language in the bill calling for a doctor’s “prescription” (as opposed to recommendation) and the extremely limited coverage of only three illnesses, makes it unlikely to ever be effectively implemented.
HB 1112 eliminates these shortcomings and establishes a workable medical marijuana system that will truly benefit Louisiana patients and families. To read a complete pdf copy of the bill, please click here.
Louisiana residents: You can help get this bill passed! Please use the following example phone script to call your area’s representative in the Committee on Health and Welfare (listed below), and ask for their support as HB 1112 enters it’s first legislative test!
Sample phone script:
Hello, my name is (your full name) and I’m calling to register my strong support for Representative Ted James’ HB 1112 – the LA Therapeutic Use of Cannabis Act. I’ve reviewed the bill and believe that it’s the only true comprehensive medical marijuana or therapeutic Cannabis bill in this year’s legislature and that it would finally establish a fully functional system to deliver this important medicine to patients in need. I understand that this bill has been assigned to the House Health and Welfare Committee and that it may come up for a vote as early as April 14th. Can we count on Representative (last name of representative you’re calling) for his/her support?